Need to file a claim?
Many times our clients call our office wanting to know if they should even file a claim. This page will cover the process, who to contact, and when to reach out to your agent.
Before you file a claim, it is important to consider how filing the incident may affect the future cost of your insurance. If any payment is made from your carrier to any party, chances are that it will affect your future premium…sometimes for the next 3 – 5 years!
If you’d like to run through the claim scenario and potential impact on your premiums, give us a call and let us give you advice – we listen, we support, and we’re here for you!
Key questions you’ll want to ask:
- Was anyone hurt?
- Did you or someone else damage anyone else’s property?
- Is the damage repair cost ABOVE your policy deductible?
If you answered yes to any of the above, chances are you should file a claim directly with your insurance carrier.